Terms and Conditions
Gpl-box.com delivers WordPress-based development and website themes, plugins, integrations, and extensions under the following Terms of Service. The user must understand the functioning and scope of a GPL license. GPL-box.com is not related in any way to the developers of the items listed on the site.
A user who purchases or signs up on gpl-box.com receives solely the right of access to our repository under GPL license and the related downloads to it. Gpl-box.com grants the user a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, limited license to access the site’s content, solely for the user’s personal, non-commercial use.
Certain Site features may be subject to additional guidelines, conditions, or rules, which will be displayed on the Site in conjunction with such features or specified in our support papers and agents.
All additional terms, guidelines, and rules are incorporated by reference into these Terms. If the user doesn’t accept these terms, the user will be prohibited to purchase any sort of product or joining as a member on gpl-box.com, hence all available services and products are bound to the following terms.
These Terms of Use describe the legally binding terms and conditions that govern the user’s use of the gpl-box.com.
Site access and functionality
By registration or purchase, the user is forced to comply with these regulations and our privacy policy. The user should be of legal age, to comply with most regulations of liability as an adult. The user can not be excepted in any role if the previous conditions are not met.
Gpl-box.com strives to keep online accessibility of over 99%. However, gpl-box.com reserves the right to have certain downtimes without prior notice, to facilitate maintenance tasks or to address needed security issues that can arise spontaneously.
Gpl-box.com reserves the right to change the functionality and behavior of the site, suspend or discontinue the site and its content at any time without prior notice. The user and any involved third-party agree, that gpl-box.com can not be held liable for is not any change, interruption, or termination of the site or any part.
Site content
The user’s rights consented in these Terms are subject to the following limitations and are therefore prohibited: (a) sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, host, or commercially exploit the Site; (b) change, perform derivative works, disassemble, compile or reverse engineer any part of the Site; (c) access the Site to build a similar or competitive web site; and (d) except as expressly stated herein, no part of the Site may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means unless otherwise stated, any future publication, update or other addition to the functionality of the GPL-box.com shall be subject to these Terms.
Third-party links and announcements
The Site may contain links to third-party websites and services, and/or display third-party advertisements. The content of Third-Party Links and Ads without the control of gpl-box.com. Therefore gpl-box.com is not liable for any content of those third-party linked websites, ads etc.
Third-Party Links and Ads are solely implemented to enhance the user’s experience and depth of information. gpl-box.com does not review, approve, monitor, endorse or guarantee third-party content in any form and is furthermore not liable for any third-party terms and policies, including third-party privacy and data collection practices.
Each user is solely responsible for themselves and their content. Gpl-box.com is not liable for any damage caused through user interactions in any way.
Cookies and web beacons
Gpl-box.com uses cookies for the purpose to enhance the user experience and facilitate some of the core functionality of this site. More information is available on the privacy policy page.
Limitation of Liability
The user agrees to indemnify gpl-box.com for all damages, fees and legal fees, expenses, claims, or liability that we incur as a result of or in connection with a third-party claim against us about the use of gpl-box.com or any item or service.
Gpl-box.com and the website’s contents are provided to the user on an “AS IS” basis. Gpl-box.com disclaims all explicit and implied warranties, including non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a specific purpose.
The liability between the user and gpl-box.com or these terms, in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, is limited as follows:
Gpl-box.com disclaims liability for any of the following losses experienced by the user: revenue, profit, goodwill, customers, capital, reputational harm, loss in connection with any other contract, data loss, or indirect, consequential, or special loss, damage, or expense. Furthermore, gpl-box.com’s total aggregate liability to the user is otherwise limited to the total sums paid by the user to gpl-box.com for the user’s membership in the three months preceding the day the claim gives rise to the liability arose.
WordPress themes, add-ons, extensions, plugins, and integrations, as well as code snippets, and WooCommerce extensions distributed through gpl-box.com have a “GNU general public license” known as GPL. The products distributed in gpl-box.com have been created by third parties. While all WordPress code is licensed under a GPL, there may be additional content such as images or CSS style sheet files, which may be licensed under proprietary terms. The user should review the terms of those included licenses.
Technical support and warranty
Gpl-box.com distributes plugins, themes, add-ons, and extensions for WooCommerce and WordPress derived directly from third-party developers. GPL-box.com does not offer specialized technical support for any product or service offered. If the user wishes to obtain technical support, the user has to purchase the product from other platforms which might incorporate such service.
Gpl-box.com products might request their activation through the user, which usually is not of any obligation and therefore if left empty, doesn’t limit the functionality of the product. None of the themes, plugins, or extensions offered on gpl-box.com include a license or activation key. If the user wishes to obtain a key or license to use technical support and/or automatic updates, the user has to purchase the tool from another platform that incorporates such activation keys. Gpl-box.com, therefore, limits the given support to billing and/or technical inquiries regarding the gpl-box.com website only and does not provide automized updates.
Access to products
Gpl-box.com payment processing is fully automated and access to any purchased product or service is immediately available, once the payment processor has received the user’s funds. In rare cases, the payment processor might hold the funds for further evaluation.
In general, this might take up to 24 hours and is handled solely by the payment processor itself. Gpl-box.com has no influence on this process and therefore declines any liability for damages caused by the delay. If the user experiences a delay in unlocking download after payment, he should notify gpl-box.com via the integrated ticket functionality or by using the offered live chat, so that our team can provide corresponding support.
All products distributed by gpl-box.com, require manual updates. The underlying update procedure is in detail explained on gpl-box.com and users are solely responsible to facilitate those updates by themselves. Gpl-box.com can not give any support in this matter. Users will have access to updated files as long as their subscription remains active. In the case of individual single product purchases, updates are indefinitely available.
Updates are in general 48 hours after the official release by the developer updated. However, gpl-box.com reserve the right to delay updates to a later point in time or excludes certain products from updates without prior notice. Therefore gpl-box.com excludes any kind of update guarantee.
Gpl-box.com reserves the right to add, modify, or discontinue any product and its related prices, without prior notice. Prices are available in USD or EUR and are converted in a fixed average conversation rate.
Cancellation and suspension
The on gpl-box.com offered memberships are non-transferable and require no user-initiated cancellation after activation through purchase. The membership will automatically expire depending on the chosen length and an extension has to be manually initiated by the user.
Gpl-box.com reserves the right to cancel, suspend, block or limit a user account without prior notice if it incurs in any of the following circumstances, but not limited to those described here:
- Abnormal use of our system resources caused by malicious activities to gain access to our website’s resources.
- Defamatory or malicious words and/or false statements, including defamation against gpl-box.com and/or efforts to induce potential customers to purchase tools from other vendors, improper language, or disrespectful behavior toward other users or employees of our staff.
- Resell, share, or give third parties access to the repository files and/or download links provided.
- For promoting other products, generating spam or junk mail, or any other illegal activities.
- Misusing the contact system, direct support system, or providing false data during the registration process or in any contact form.
- If gpl-box.com reasonably believes that a user’s account has been compromised, fraudulent payment methods were used, that it is shared with other users, or for any other security reason.
Refund policy
Given the nature of digital content that can be downloaded instantly after a purchase has been made, gpl-box.com does not offer any kind of trial or grace period after purchasing a membership or an individual item. Therefore the purchase is considered final. Furthermore, does gpl-box.com declines refunds for terminated memberships or purchases based on our suspension policy and violation of our terms.
In general gpl-box.com declines refunds based on content protected by access keys through the developer, which could be outside the corresponding GPL License and lead to inaccessibility to the content protected. Additionally, is no refund for missing technical support for the purchased product granted.
However, gpl-box.com assesses refund requests under the following terms, without the obligation to issue a refund:
- The user purchased a membership by mistake.
- The user asks for goodwill.
- The user can no longer download the item because it has been removed from the site.
Consumer laws
Non-excludable warranties, guarantees, or other rights (‘non-excludable consumer guarantees’) are not excluded, restricted, or modified by gpl-box.com in these conditions. We are solely obligated by the specific commitments stated in these conditions, except non-excludable consumer guarantees. Our liability for violation of a non-excludable consumer promise is limited to replacing or paying the cost of replacing the relevant product or service, at our discretion (unless the non-excludable consumer guarantee says otherwise). You must not utilize a product in violation of any applicable export regulations.
Changes to these terms
Gpl-box.com reserves the right to apply changes to these terms at any time without prior notice.
If the user has any questions about this policy, the user should contact us through email: [email protected]
Gpl-box.com will take up to 14 days to expedite your request.