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Installation and Troubleshooting

Before using GPL products, we highly recommend installing the “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” plugin, available for free in the WordPress repository.

You can find it by searching for a new plugin in your WordPress control panel. Install and activate the plugin, and once activated, you can easily install any theme or plugin by uploading the .zip file.

How to Install or Update a Plugin

1. Log in to and download the plugin’s .zip file from the “MY ACCOUNT” area. The version number will be noted alongside the plugin name. 2. Log in to your WordPress site. 3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New. 4. Click the Upload Plugin tab at the top of the screen. 5. Select the .zip file of the plugin you want to install. 6. Click Install Now. 7. Once the installation is complete, click Activate.

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How to Install or Update a Theme

1. Log in to and download the .zip file of the theme you want from the “MY ACCOUNT” area. The version number will be listed alongside the theme name. 2. Log in to your WordPress site. 3. Navigate to Appearance > Themes. 4. Click Add New, then select Upload Theme. 5. Choose the .zip file of the theme you want to install. 6. Click Install Now. 7. After installation, click Activate. 8. If additional theme-related plugins are required, follow the plugin installation steps outlined above.

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Troubleshooting Errors

Duplicate Compression

It’s important to note that certain products, such as those from Themeforest or Codecanyon, may come with double compression, meaning a .zip file inside another .zip file.

Before uploading, check the downloaded package to confirm if this applies. If so, the main .zip file you downloaded is not the installable one, which can cause errors like “The CSS stylesheet is missing.

To resolve this, extract the main .zip file and use the appropriate .zip file from the subfolder for installation.

Minimum Requirements

Ensure your WordPress installation meets the recommended minimum specifications:

Webserver: Apache or NGINX with 128MB of RAM

PHP: Version 5.6 or 7.0

Database: MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB 10.0+

Apache Module: mod_rewrite

Recommended PHP Settings:

• max_execution_time = 600

• max_input_vars = 5000

• memory_limit = 256M

• post_max_size = 128M

• upload_max_filesize = 128M

To edit these settings, modify one of the following files in your WordPress installation:

• php.ini or user.ini

• wp-config.php

• .htaccess (if using an Apache server)

We recommend making changes in php.ini, user.ini, or wp-config.php for best results.

Tutorial for wp-config.php

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Very Large Files

For large themes or plugins exceeding 64 megabytes (commonly remade templates), uploading via FTP is required.

Guide for using FTP

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